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FIND A COACH (see application form below)
Dear Colleague,
If you're challenged by any of these…
Lack of structure to stay on track and make real progress
Difficulty keeping focus on your high priority items
Low productivity or trouble getting started
Low momentum and enthusiasm
Then you could probably benefit from working with a dissertation coach. To be considered for this opportunity, please complete the following form. I will answer as quickly as possible, usually within two working days.
For what it's worth, here are a few tips on being chosen by a coach: Coaches tend to be attracted to the prospective clients who are (a) open and forthcoming in their answers and (b) seem to be highly motivated and willing to do whatever is necessary to finish.
To help us choose the best coach for you, please share as many relevant details as you wish in the spaces provided about you, your situation, and your issues. Are you feeling isolated? Are you overwhelmed by too many responsibilities? Do you have a sense of your main obstacles, e.g., procrastination, ADD, isolation or working at a distance, overwhelm, looming deadline, or other? We have coaches on our referral list who are adept at working with a wide range of issues.
We will review your completed form, and make referrals based on these criteria:
How much it appears you will benefit from coaching
Your seriousness and willingness to work hard
Your area of study and types of challenges
Any other relevant details that you include
We do not set fees; we are a voluntary referral service. Under ordinary circumstances most coaches charge $300 to $500 per month for one-on-one coaching services for three to four weekly phone calls with email/phone support. A sliding fee scale allows substantial discounts from regular rates for those with limited means on a space available basis and/or for a limited period of time. Think of them as “coaching scholarships” for those who cannot afford regular coaching rates. Generally, more experienced and certified coaches will charge higher fees, while newest coaches will accept lower fees in order to build their practices and apply for certification.
If you are selected and referred to a coach, you will have no obligation other than to hold an initial call with your assigned coach to determine whether you both feel there is a good fit between you. If you do, then you and your coach will agree on specifics -- such as the length of coaching (e.g., three months), scheduling of time and days for telephone calls and fee amount. After this initial period, you will be able to decide whether you'd like to stop at that point or continue working with your coach under a different arrangement.
Wishing you success and well-being on your dissertation journey,
Gayle Scroggs, Ph.D., Editor ABD Survival Guide
www.essencecoaching.com ~ Why flounder when you can flourish?